You may resume normal use of your water.

Water conservation

Given current drought conditions in surrounding areas, we ask that residents use voluntary water conservation efforts. Your efforts will help to conserve water during this time.

Here are things you can do to help conserve water:

• Do not water lawns, including newly seeded or new sod lawns

• Watering of flowers, flower beds, gardens, shrubbery, fruit trees, etc.., shall be performed manually with a spray nozzle or watering wand at the base of the plant

• No watering lawns, gardens, or flower beds using sprinklers, automatic timers, or other means, whether attended or unattended

• No washing of cars, houses, or other equipment

• No washing of paved surfaces by hand-held hose or by pressure washing

• No bulk water sales

• Mow lawns to three inches or more and leave clippings (higher cut encourages grass roots to grow deeper to hold soil moisture better than closely clipped lawns)

• If you must water your lawn, do it during cold parts of the day (early morning/late evening)

• Use mulch around plants to reduce evaporation

• Limit showers to 5 to 10 minutes/day/person

• Turn off water while brushing your teeth or shaving

• Place rain barrels under gutter downspouts to collect water for plants, car washing or general cleaning projects

• Do not use the garage disposal

• Use automatic dishwasher only when load is full

• If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing

• Use automatic washing machine only for full loads (washers can use 30-35 gallons per cycle)

• Avoid running water to get a cold temperature, instead keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge

• Do not let the faucet run while cleaning vegetables

• Check pipes and faucets for leaks

Town of Washington Government

The Town of Washington, Virginia, officially established by the Virginia Assembly in 1796, is the county seat for Rappahannock County, some 67 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. On the second Monday of every month, a group of seven elected town residents who make up the Washington Town Council, meets in the historic Town Hall, circa 1857, to hold a town council meeting. Residents and visitors are welcome to attend.

The Town Council governs the town. It is composed of five council members, a mayor and a treasurer, all of whom serve four-year terms. Election for the council members, treasurer and mayor is held on the first Tuesday in November. In its capacity as the legislative authority for the town, the council deliberates and votes on legislation, town programs, budgets and approves funding for town services.

The mayor, as chief executive officer of the town, presides over the monthly meetings of the Town Council and votes as a member of the council, but has no veto power. The mayor is the head of the town government for all of its ceremonial purposes. The Town Council, by a majority of its members, elects a vice mayor from its membership to serve a four-year term. The vice mayor serves in the absence of or during the disability of the mayor. The Town Council also appoints a town attorney.

In the 1950s, the Washington Town Council made national news when the town elected an all-women Town Council, mayor and treasurer.

Forms and Applications

Here are the electronic forms available to submit your meals and lodging taxes or Town applications. Download the form, complete, and email a copy to the Town Clerk at:

Rush River Commons

FY 2020-2021 Audit Report

Emergency Info

Water and Sewer

Sewer Customers: If you notice sewage coming from your grinder pot and the alarm is not going off please check your circuit breaker for your pump and if it is in the off position please turn it to the on position and your pump should come on. If it does not come on please call ESS at their emergency number 540-825-6660. If you have a sewer emergency and your alarm is going off please turn it off using the toggle switch underneath the gray circuit box. The alarm light will still stay on. Please call ESS at 540-825-6660 to report your emergency. Please make sure you leave your name, telephone number, and street address. If you have a sewage leak in the line from the house to the grinder pot that leak is the home owner’s responsibility to have it repaired.

Please remember: Never put any of the following materials into sinks, toilets, or drains:

  • Glass, metal, wood, seafood shells, fish tank gravel or stones
  • Disposable wipes diapers, socks, rags, or cloth
  • Sanitary napkins or tampons
  • Egg shells or kitty litter
  • Plastic objects (toys, eating utensils, etc.)
  • Strong chemicals, toxic, caustic, or poisonous substances
  • Film developing chemicals
  • Degreasing solvents
  • Any explosive or flammable material
  • Gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, paint thinner, or antifreeze
  • Cooking fat (lard, oil, or grease)

These materials may create unsafe conditions in your lines and grinder pump pot or may clog your home system as well. Repairs resulting from damages to the pump station due to improper use will be billed to the property owner.

Water Customers: If you have a water leak obviously coming from the meter box or in the street please call the Town during office hours to report your leak or call Atrium at 540-295-0004 during non-business hours. If you have a leak in the water line coming from your home to meter box it is the home owner’s responsibly to have it repaired.